Understanding Aged Care

It’s important you talk to other members of the family when the time comes for you to consider the options that are available for a loved one or family member who requires closer attention and care.

More often than not, the decision to place someone in care is done under the most difficult of circumstances and usually within very short time frames. In many cases, it can be as short as a few days and can be a stressful time for all concerned.

6-Step Care Plan

Levels of Care

At Arran Court we cover the full range of accommodation and care options, from rest home and hospital level care right through to dementia, respite and palliative. These broad offerings allow for ‘ageing in place’, so if any of our residents’ needs change they are able to stay with us.

Respite Care

Short-term stays, or respite care services, are available to those who are unwell (eg, recovering from an illness or hospital stay) or who simply are in need of extra support.

Rest Home Care

Our rest homes cater to those who are mostly independent but may require some assistance with personal care and general day-to-day activities.

Hospital Care

Hospital level care is provided for those residents who have a significant disability and medical concerns.

Dementia Care

For residents with dementia we offer specifically targeted services, specialist staff and secure environments to ensure maximum wellbeing and safety at all times.

Palliative Care

For those nearing the end of their lives, specialist medical services and clinical staff are available to meet ongoing comfort and care requirements.

Young Disabled Care

Young Physically Disabled (YPD) care is available in certain locations, for those under 65 who require assistance with self-care, mobility and/or communication.

6-Step Care Plan

We know just how overwhelming it can be when someone you love is in need of residential care. That’s why the team at Arran Court takes the time to understand you and your loved one’s needs first. That way, we can achieve the best possible outcomes for you.

Below, you’ll find our simple 6-step plan to help find the right Arran Court facility to help your loved one feel safe, secure and right at home.

If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.

Step 1: Organise a Needs Assessment

If you feel like it’s time for a loved one to receive greater care and attention, the first step is to organise a needs assessment with your local Needs Assessment Services Co-ordinator (NASC).

The purpose of NASC is to determine whether your close friend or family member is eligible for long-term care in a rest home. Anyone can enter residential care of their own volition, but if you wish to receive disability support from your District Health Board (DHB), then it’s essential to undergo a needs assessment.

Your family member is eligible for long-term care, if:

  • hey have high or very high needs;
  • Their condition is irreversible;
  • and they cannot be safely supported within the community.

To make an appointment with NASC you can either get a referral from your GP or hospital, phone your local DHB and ask to speak to a local NASC organisation, or choose your local NASC online by checking the list on the  Ministry of Health website, or by going directly to NASC.

Step 2: Complete Needs Assessment

Once an appointment has been made with NASC, a needs assessor will visit your home to identify and discuss the specific health requirements of your loved one. This is a necessary step to complete the needs assessment and may include a specialist geriatric assessment. If your family member or close friend is already hospitalised, the hospital can arrange a needs assessment in the ward.

The needs assessor will work very closely with your family or whānau to discuss the options and support services available. Depending on the needs of the person close to you, they may be entitled to rest home care, dementia care, or continuing care in a private or psycho-geriatric hospital.

Once NASC finds your loved one to be eligible to enter a rest home care facility, you will be given a financial means application to apply for public funding.

Step 3: Create a Plan of Action

After completing the needs assessment, the NASC will help you devise a plan of action to facilitate the commencement of the services you are entitled to, and authorise entry into a rest home that provides you with the assessed level of care required.

Your needs assessor will give you a list with all the rest homes in your area.

You have the right to choose any residential care provider in New Zealand that has a DHB contract to provide you with your assessed level of care need. Arran Court, for example, provides residential rest home aged care, hospital, specialist and palliative care for the elderly and disabled in 19 different locations all across New Zealand.

Alternatively, you can find rest homes through your local Age Concern office, or go to and click on the Residential Care button at the top.

If your family member wishes to receive care in a rest home or hospital that does not have a contract with a DHB, they will be liable to privately pay the full cost – it will not be subsidised by the government.

Step 4: Choosing the Right Rest Home for You

Choosing the right residential care facility is not always easy, and can be a stressful experience. After all, you will be concerned that your loved one is safe and in appropriate care.

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits to ensure all rest homes meet the standards of the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001.

You can review these audits here.

If possible, it is best to make this decision in consultation with your loved one. If time is not a factor, you may consider a gradual transition into long-term care, by means of day care and short stays. Moving into a rest home can be a disturbing experience for elderly people, especially those with dementia. A gradual transition allows your loved one to get to know his or her new surroundings, the staff and other residents.

However, more often than not, special care is urgent and there is not much time to choose a facility, or the person may already be hospitalised and is unable to visit the rest home herself.

When making a decision on behalf of a family member, be sure to make an appointment to speak to the Facility Manager, who is there to help you answer all your questions. Before you visit, it’s best to write down any questions or concerns you may have. You may have questions relating to:

  • Management
  • Extra costs (additional costs not subsidised by the daily DHB rate)
  • Meals and other service-related care
  • Rooms, grounds and buildings,
  • Rules
  • Activities
  • Complaints procedures

When you’re visiting a rest home, be aware of how you are being received and shown around the facility. Is the exterior well maintained? Are the staff members friendly, helpful and well dressed? Is the Facility Manager interested in discussing your parent’s circumstances?

Step 5: Sign the Admission Agreement

Before moving into a rest home, an admission agreement or contract needs to be signed.

The purpose of the admission agreement is to protect the resident and the rest home by setting out the responsibilities and expectations of both parties.

The admission agreement is a legal document that specifies such things as extra services you have agreed to receive and pay for, costs and extra charges, liability for damage or loss of belongings of the resident, resident safety, transport, procedures, and complaint processes. Should you wish to discuss or negotiate any aspects of the admissions agreement with your rest home, you may choose to have a nominated power of attorney or lawyer support you.

You also have the right to refuse any extra services offered to you, and if you do it is important to make sure that this is noted in your contract. We advise you to read very carefully through the admission agreement before you sign it, and to request a copy for a relative, friend or lawyer to read.

Once the admission agreement has been signed, your loved one is able to move into the rest home of your choice.

You can now rest assured that they’re in safe hands and well looked after.

Step 6: Apply for a Subsidy or Loan

After the NASC assessment, you can apply for a financial means assessment straight away.

All applications for a financial means assessment will be made to Work and Income. The purpose of a financial means assessment is to determine whether the applicant qualifies for public funding through a Residential Care Subsidy or a Residential Care Loan.

We advise you to apply for a financial means assessment on behalf of your loved one as soon as possible, even if you cannot supply Work and Income with all the necessary papers immediately.

You will be required to pay for residential care, until it has been confirmed by Work and Income that you qualify for a Residential Care Subsidy/Loan. If your family member or close friend has entered residential care on his or her own accord, without going through NASC first, then they are personally liable to pay for the full cost.

More information on Residential Care Subsidy and Residential Care Loan can be found here.

Some rooms have an accommodation supplement fee which costs between $15 and $75 per night depending on the size and amenities available in the room. This additional fee is paid privately by the resident and is not Government funded. All of the aged care homes in the Radius Care Group offer a standard room option at no additional fee.